Thursday, 16 May 2013

MECH SALE: Sigelei Telescoping Mods - $26.99-$28.99

..its venerablevaping

Here is a great deal on various Sigelei mechanical mods. They all range from $26.99-$28.99.  There are a few here that I haven't seen before. 

 For these prices, pick up a few. 


Sigelei Telescoping Mechanical Mods Model #8 #9 #19 #20 #30 #2 or 3 #13a

Fully mechanical custom machined personal vaporizer.

Native 510 connection designed to work with all kinds of atomizer or cartomizer with 510 thread. 

Vented bottom ring for protection in case of the over heated battery.

Machined from 20/24 aircraft grade aluminum or Brass. High quality with low maintenance.
With a telescoping design the Mod can use batteries as small as the 16340 and as large as the 18650. (18650,18500, 18350, 14500 etc...)

Rotate the bottom locking button anti-clock wisely to turn off the MOD, and to activate the MOD by rotating it clockwise. The locking bottom button makes this a pocket friendly device.



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